tentacles YCH
Starting Bid - $60
Autobuy - $400


Average turnaround: N/A
Place Bid
Bids (0)
Artist Info
SB - $8
MB - $5
AB - $400

>$100 Flat colored
$150 simple shades
$300 Full shades

- Any pony race\gander
-You have 3 free options to fix something in the process
-If you want to fix something in the original version of the YCH, you will have to pay
-Complex character(a lot of color details, accessories, and more) +2-30$
-I can change the background colors, slightly adjust the colors of your character for greater harmony. if you don't want me to do this, just tell me!
-Picture will be finished within a month
-The final version of the art I can send you by email
-If you want, we can communicate by email or discord
- Payment method: PeyPal > boosty
- Payment must be made within 48 hours after the end of the auction
- The art will be finished in 2 months depending on the complexity