Veneon Adopt#1
Winning Bid - $---
Autobuy - $75


Average turnaround: 3W
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Bids (1)
Artist Info
My first Pokemon Adopt!
If this goes well I will be making more of these!

Veneon a Poison Type! Can summon poisonous gas when felt threatened. Every spikes on his body are sharp and poisonous that can make someone or any pokemon faint in a instant!
Tail acts like a Snake and has its own mind and eye itself! Beware of its tail coz it gets annoyed easily!
Holes on its chest is where the gas goes out. Has 2 souls that always guide them they most often just chill floating at the tip of its ear.

SB: $35
AB: $75
AB2: $105 (will receive an extra art of the character!)

Note: If you want to AB2 please message me if someone has did set the AB!

•You can keep this description if purchased!
•You can change small details of the design
•You cannot use it for Commercial Purposes!
•Can do hold for 3days only!
•AB2 outbid AB!
•Please dont get mad if you didnt win