Futanari Rabbit
Starting Bid - $150
Autobuy - $800


Average turnaround: N/A
Place Bid
This user has no current portfolio images.
Bids (0)
Artist Info
Payment on FanTalks (I can explain how to use it)
Pay within 24 hours (you can also take installments for a couple of weeks)
If the winner does not pay, I can sell the work to the previous buyer, in any case, you can contact me by discord, I always take orders - SdohshiDesigner#9020
You can also see examples of my work here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sFq1l-tPp0IQvVzkMhnsPZ0CCwnscIeK?usp=share_link

- Only real bets!
- No return

The buyer gets the opportunity to choose the color and detail for the character (if it is complex, the price will increase by $ 150)

The bid is $150 - you get a painted version of the rabbit on both sides (you choose the color)
The bid is + $150 - you get a rabbit's penis and vagina in full size, and sexual intercourse (all at the same price)
The bid is + $200 - you get a rabbit that is put on two members, we can agree on the full version of this scene +$150