The Tour - 10 Pages (Tourists)

Tourist 5

Winning Bid - $---
Autobuy - $100


Average turnaround: 16W
Place Bid
Bids (1)
Artist Info
Turnaround 6-8 MONTHS
Feel free to DM with questions before bidding

See The Pages in This Auction HERE
Finished product will be refined w/ full shading.

Autobuy for a free additional page of your choosing.
You can also purchase further pages outright.
See currently posted pages here.
  • Tourists may appear in any later pages
  • Tourists can be any sex or feral species


  • Character must be 18+
  • If your reference(s) is/are traditional, text descriptions, heavily shaded, or don’t communicate the details I’d need to draw, it may be a $5 fee. Please contact me if you are unsure.
  • Changes to body structure, size or pose = additional fee.
  • Contact via on-site PMs ONLY.
  • Payment within 24 hours of initial contact. Paypal USD only.
  • No refunds.
  • No WIPS.
  • Extremely long turnaround, please take note.
  • Comic has non-con and slavery themes.
  • Comic may be printed for my personal collection or giveaways but NOT sold.
  • Further pages will be sold as YCHs later on.
  • While you’ll get the pages as soon as the batch is done they may not be posted right away on my account, as I only upload one page a week. Please refrain from posting them to your accounts until they’re on mine.
  • Do not share WIPS of the comic without permission.
  • If your character appeared in a pervious page please contact before bidding to make sure they can appear in this one