[Closed] Soul Keeper #2
Starting Bid - $60
Autobuy - $200


Average turnaround: N/A
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Artist Info
Payment via PayPal (Donate to Boosty)

Boosty: boosty.to/deive

✞ ♕ SB: 60$
✞ ♕ Min: 5$
✞ ♕ AB: 200$
(gif animation + color character portrait)

- The auction will end 24 hours after the last bid.
- Payment has to be made within 24 hrs of claiming
- Bid with the full intention of buying, please
- When you buy a character for commercial use, the price is doubled.
- Trade, gift, resell are okay. Reselling your adopt is allowed as long as you don't sell it for higher than it's original price.

You'll get:
- PSD file with 2 layers (background, character).
- PNG files (Hight resolution)
- I will send you by mail
- Non-Watermarked files


Soul keeper
The ghost of a young girl with a skull on her head and ribs sticking out has been wandering since the early XVII century. She was first spotted in Scotland when the civil wars broke out in the country.
It was at this time that strange things began to happen in cities. Old bodies were found, but with young organs. The theory revolves around the fact that a girl stabbing her victim with a rapier sucks out her youth and beauty. The victim lives out his existence in an old body, which causes additional suffering.
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2/12/2023 4:57 am
Adopt closed - https://www.deviantart.com/deive-art/art/CLOSED-Soul-Keeper-2-949219729
2/24/2023 2:37 pm