YCH - Vampire!
Starting Bid - $8
Autobuy - $40


Average turnaround: N/A
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This user has no current portfolio images.
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Artist Info
bids over 8$- flat colored clean sketch
bids over 18$- clean sketch with full shading

+3$ simple background (color fill, geometric figures, etc.)

You can choose any emotions, gender, body type and design complexity!

Only with PayPal. Prepayment required 24 hours after the auction ends or order will be canceled. Prepayment of 70% and the remaining 30% right before I send the file. You can’t ask for a refund or exchange.

Up to 3 weeks (I’ll try to finish as quickly as possible, but sometimes there are days of work falling due to power outages, bad feeling, so please be understanding).

I draw:
- Not sexualized female character designs
-Only vampires (in this case)

I need reference pictures/photos/detailed description of your characters. The rest is up for discussion.

Thanks for your attention and have a nice day! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧