Ych-simple shibari
Starting Bid - $13
Autobuy - $45


Average turnaround: 6D
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Artist Info
Hi there! Sorry for my bad English (╥﹏╥)

*Sketch $13

*sketch + flat color$ 18

*lineart + flat color $ 24

* lineart + full color $ 35 You can add accessories

* AB lineart + full color + penetración with sex toys (even cum mode if desired) $45
*You can add accesories
*+ character in the form of a doll.
*you can change the expression, modify/omit the text

what can I do? human, boy, girl, kenomimi, fanarts
*I don't have mouch practice with furry, but if you want it, I can try it!.

the process for the complete drawing is as follows:

* sending the sketch
* sending lineart
* sending the complete drawing

payment only by Paypal

Delivery time can range from one to three weeks. in the first steps it is possible to make all the necessary changes.

Thank you!

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