Unlimited YCH Cat Painting
Starting Bid - $5


Average turnaround: N/A
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Artist Info
Unlimited sphinx cat YCH (can be upgraded to any cat!)

SB: greyscale (B/W) adjusted to your cat (still sphinx shape)
20+: Fully colored (still sphinx shape)
50+: Changed body type (add fur, change facial features, change breed of cat)
70+: change pose / animal (basically new painting, can be any animal)

Wings: +10$
Clothes: +10$ (jackets or similar)

Time for completion: 1 week - 1 month
Reference of your OC or a photo of your cat is required!

Possible to do:
- add eyes, horns, spines, tattoos, tails, accessories (e.g. collars or piercings), fangs/teeth
- eyeless/eye sockets/glowing eyes/additional eyes
- change skin/eye pattern and color
- add top hair/hats/crowns/halos
- simple mech parts/cyborg parts/LED stuff

Other Info:
- the artwork is for personal use only and might be posted in my portfolio afterwards
- 100% payment upfront
- Payment max 48 hours after the end of the auction
- payment via PayPal invoice or Ko-Fi possible

Examples of finished painting and portfolio:

Original painting process video:

Feel free to contact me on Discord if there are any issues: Tanija#3366