Unicorn Adopt
Starting Bid - $15
Autobuy - $300

RC Desenhista

Time Left: Updating...
Average turnaround: 11D
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Artist Info
♥- The winner receives an unmarked version.
♥ - After payment, you have the right to change the character as you see fit.
♥ - You must pay within 48 hours, otherwise I will revert to the previous one.
♥- And it cannot be resold.
♥ - SB: $ 15
♥ - MB: $ 5
♥ - AB: $ 300 - Taking the character's right gets him an icon and a Ref Sheet. ( image used in the adopt shown, will be updated to full lineart)
♥ - Payment via Paypal (USD $)
♥ - 48 hours to respond