Starting Bid - $80
Autobuy - $200


Average turnaround: N/A
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Artist Info
1 TIER: 80 USD
Character and info only.

Imagine this pic and crop it double, the right part is yours. You get an illustration with editable stats and PNG file with your folk in full length

2 TIER: 150 USD
Character, info and flat-colored inventory

Reference pic, but inventory is flat-colored. You get an illustration with editable stats, inventory visualization and PNG file with your folk in full length

3 TIER: 200 USD
Character, info and rendered inventory
Accepting a 50/50 payment plan
Free reference maintenance for a year

Just like the picture. You get an illustration with editable stats, inventory visualization and PNG file with your folk in full length

Reference maintenance means that during the year I'll update your reference for free when your character changes during the game

If you want to take a slot please note me with:
- Your character's spreadsheet or something with a name, info, etc
- Important inventory things and description. 3-7 items
- Your character's reference. If you have only moodboard or text description I need extra payment. Moodboard for inventory is okay!

Payment via Boosty (card)/Hipolink (PayPal)

Contact me here:
X: @_holydove
Tumblr : holydovegoesbrr
Discord: holydove