Urethra insertion YCH
Winning Bid - $---
Autobuy - $90
Autobuy - $90
CompletedAverage turnaround: 11W
Bids (2)
Artist Info
This YCH have one slot on YCH.commishes
↓ Tiers info ↓
- SB: colored sketch (https://derpibooru.org/images/3326382 https://derpibooru.org/images/3368811)
- 50$: line art with color&details (https://derpibooru.org/images/3362845 https://derpibooru.org/images/3399993)
- +10$: version with cum&alternative face expression (for AB cum version included)
More examples: https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-etoz
↓ Payment and additional costs info ↓
- Min: 1$
- Payment:
PayPal invoice or Boosty via card
- The result of the auction may be private, tell me in advance (No extra cost needed)
- I can edit/add for free for any tier:
- change face expression
- change or add text
- add or change clothing&accessories
- redraw sex toys
- make character more feminine
- I'm open to other changes or additions as long as they are not change the art too much (big changes is possible but could cost extra). I'm fine with almost any kind of thing. Feel free to ask about it
↓ About the character for this auction ↓
- Any species and feral (bat ponies, zebras, changelings, dragons, griffons, original species, feral pokemon and others too)
- Can be any canon character
- Character should have a digital reference (any digital images are also fine)
↓ Other information ↓
- Deadline: 3-4 month
- I will send you WIP for any changes/fixes
You can contact me through:
Discord: vladavlad#4646
Commission info:
Time Left
Bids hidden by artist