Starting Bid - $70
Autobuy - $100

Aleksika Shvets

Time Left: Updating...
Average turnaround: N/A
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Artist Info
Make a gift for yourself or your friend!

  • PayPal payment
  • any species
  • USD
  • no refunds
  • payment on corrected draft
  • make sure that you can pay me before bidding.

❤️Estimated turnaround time: 1-3 weeks
Size: 3000x3000 px
Format: Png

General Guidelines
🔸I have the right to reject an order.
🔸Prefered reference in image, text descriptions might be accepted.
🔸Don't erase the Watermark
🔸Don't use my artwork for profit nor claim it as yours.
🔸Constant updates during process
[Sketch, Flat colors, Shading+Details]
🔸Client can ask for updates at any time.
🔸Let me know if you don't want me to post the commission online.

For any inquiry contact me:
Discord: aleksikashvets
Telegram: Aleksika_Shvets