what do I look like?
Starting Bid - $35
Autobuy - $120


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Artist Info
SB - $35
MI - $5.
AB - $120.

Payment via PayPal

for $35 you will get a full color sketch
for $80 you will get a clear line and color.
for $120 you will get a full-fledged render (you can see examples in my portfolio).

Drawing will be ready within two to three weeks.

I draw any characters, furries, humans, anthro, pokémon, etc.
Characters can be of any sex and gender and futanari.

What you can change:
Change the costume to any other costume (pussycat, werewolf, witch)
You can choose any thing to dress up a character, or conversely, make them completely naked.
Emotions can be changed.
All other changes are possible, but within reason.

If you have any questions or suggestions, write me in discord - @dfffg666