MLP comic
Winning Bid - $---
Autobuy - $100

Lewdie Lewd

Sold (PAID)
Average turnaround: N/A
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Bids (1)
Artist Info
Hewwo! The currency its in euros
5€ 1 page
20€ 5 pages
35€ 10 pages
More pages than 10? Ask me c:

Can be NSFW. It must have a story
I can get in the ocs that you want on background. But there must be 2 principal protagonist, so if you win you can choose 2 protagonist ponies and the background ones!

Wanna an Animated comic? Hit the autobid and you will have an animated comic of 15 pages

Thanks c:
1 Comment
Somone buy for ab

It good art

2/17/2020 1:16 pm - edited 2/17/2020 1:25 pm