The Show

Slot 2
Winning Bid - $---Bitshift
CompletedAverage turnaround: 6D


Bids (1)
Artist Info
The Show
The mare strode to center stage with a playful strut, turning to flash a smile at the audience. "Hey everypony, welcome to the show! So glad you could make it." Her head gave quick upward shove, sending her top hat into a controlled tumble, down her shoulder and outstretched arm, then up again until it settled back in place. She stepped to the front of the stage, starting to pace.
"Is life weighing you down? So many worries, so much tension, piling on and on." Her eyes scanned back and forth across the crowd. "Wouldn't you like to lift those worries, just for a moment, ease that tension? Wouldn't you like to take a breath and just relax into a nice, soothing vacation?" Another twirl and turn, another look to the audience. "I'm about to go on one. Would you like to come along? Would you like to see some...Amazing Hypnosis?"
The question was answered with an enthusiastic crest of applause. The tuxedo'd mare smiled. "Good. Then let's start!" Her hoof twirled, and a pocket watch tumbled from it, hanging by its chain and very slightly swaying. "I'll have something for everyone here in a bit, but first I'd like to do a little one-on-one, so you can get a sense of just how compelling hypnosis can be. Now who will be the lucky one-"
Her eyes scanned over the sea of raised hooves until she found the plant. There he was, second row, gray stallion, t-shirt. But why wasn't his hoof raised? Why was he just staring ahead, not even looking up at the stage? A slight motion caught her eye and the stage pony glanced to the next seat. Another stallion was there, a silver unicorn, and he WAS looking at her, right into her eyes. Much more intensely than the sea of volunteers around him. She started to say something. The unicorn raised his hooves from his lap and gave two quick taps.
The stage mare felt her body tighten slightly and suddenly realized she couldn't move. Not her head, or tail, or the hoof still outstretched with the watch. Not even her eyes, still locked with his. She also noticed, in some corner of her mind, that the audience had gone silent. Not murmuring in confusion or laughter, just silent. What was happening, how could this-
Her hoof went limp, watch clattering to the stage. The rest of her body followed, still standing but limp and sluggish, eyelids drooping a little. Her mind was still trying to make sense of what was happening, but it was so heavy now, like trying to think through mud.
"Whaa-" She managed.
Her eyes sprung open. The mare's body was still sluggish, but her mind was very awake now as memories flooded back. Suddenly she knew exactly what was happening. She had to get out of here, had to look away from the unicorn's gaze, had to-
A dull, contented smile spread over the stage mare's face as a soothing warmth filled her body. She had to get the show started. Couldn't keep ponies waiting. She didn't hear the eager cheering as she corrected her show name on the sign, or as she pulled the obscene new prop from behind the curtain. But as she rocked forward, feeling it sink deep into her, and started to ride it, she smiled at the audience again. She knew they were enjoying the show. And as the first stallion left his seat and started toward the stage stairs, she knew that soon, they'd be enjoying it even more.
-SB: $20
-Female only
-Earth or Unicorn (No pegasus on this one)
-All pieces will be inked and colored. $60 and above gets simple shading and highlights as well.
ETA: 2 weeks
The mare strode to center stage with a playful strut, turning to flash a smile at the audience. "Hey everypony, welcome to the show! So glad you could make it." Her head gave quick upward shove, sending her top hat into a controlled tumble, down her shoulder and outstretched arm, then up again until it settled back in place. She stepped to the front of the stage, starting to pace.
"Is life weighing you down? So many worries, so much tension, piling on and on." Her eyes scanned back and forth across the crowd. "Wouldn't you like to lift those worries, just for a moment, ease that tension? Wouldn't you like to take a breath and just relax into a nice, soothing vacation?" Another twirl and turn, another look to the audience. "I'm about to go on one. Would you like to come along? Would you like to see some...Amazing Hypnosis?"
The question was answered with an enthusiastic crest of applause. The tuxedo'd mare smiled. "Good. Then let's start!" Her hoof twirled, and a pocket watch tumbled from it, hanging by its chain and very slightly swaying. "I'll have something for everyone here in a bit, but first I'd like to do a little one-on-one, so you can get a sense of just how compelling hypnosis can be. Now who will be the lucky one-"
Her eyes scanned over the sea of raised hooves until she found the plant. There he was, second row, gray stallion, t-shirt. But why wasn't his hoof raised? Why was he just staring ahead, not even looking up at the stage? A slight motion caught her eye and the stage pony glanced to the next seat. Another stallion was there, a silver unicorn, and he WAS looking at her, right into her eyes. Much more intensely than the sea of volunteers around him. She started to say something. The unicorn raised his hooves from his lap and gave two quick taps.
The stage mare felt her body tighten slightly and suddenly realized she couldn't move. Not her head, or tail, or the hoof still outstretched with the watch. Not even her eyes, still locked with his. She also noticed, in some corner of her mind, that the audience had gone silent. Not murmuring in confusion or laughter, just silent. What was happening, how could this-
Her hoof went limp, watch clattering to the stage. The rest of her body followed, still standing but limp and sluggish, eyelids drooping a little. Her mind was still trying to make sense of what was happening, but it was so heavy now, like trying to think through mud.
"Whaa-" She managed.
Her eyes sprung open. The mare's body was still sluggish, but her mind was very awake now as memories flooded back. Suddenly she knew exactly what was happening. She had to get out of here, had to look away from the unicorn's gaze, had to-
A dull, contented smile spread over the stage mare's face as a soothing warmth filled her body. She had to get the show started. Couldn't keep ponies waiting. She didn't hear the eager cheering as she corrected her show name on the sign, or as she pulled the obscene new prop from behind the curtain. But as she rocked forward, feeling it sink deep into her, and started to ride it, she smiled at the audience again. She knew they were enjoying the show. And as the first stallion left his seat and started toward the stage stairs, she knew that soon, they'd be enjoying it even more.
-SB: $20
-Female only
-Earth or Unicorn (No pegasus on this one)
-All pieces will be inked and colored. $60 and above gets simple shading and highlights as well.
ETA: 2 weeks
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