YCH: Little problem
Starting Bid - $20
Autobuy - $150


Average turnaround: N/A
Place Bid
Bids (0)
Artist Info
sb - 20$
mi - 5$
ab - 150$

+20$ - clean flat colors sketch(There is an initial bid with ych. commishes)

+28$ - clear lineart and flat colors

+35$ - full art with shadows

This is an auction for two characters at once

I can change some details at the request of the buyer

If you have any questions, feel free to ask :3

Remember, what you CAN'T do with this ych and done art:

- Remove my signature

- Claim the base was made by you

Please, respect my work! <З


✧ Only prepayment

✧ Payment on PayPal

✧ Real bids (bid only when you could pay it)
1 Comment
There is an initial bid with ych. commishes
8/16/2020 11:20 pm