face in face with evil
Starting Bid - $28
Autobuy - $128


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~The specie is any, but male,for wing and other detail
ask me , wing for example , and can change the face "smile" by example

~For the pay,just paypal
~28 and + picture with shading soft
~ 46 and + $ you have picky shading
~ 66 and + $ you have picky shading and background
~ 120 and + $ you have picky shading real fur style and background

~Your are the blue

~ possibility use now the slot very not sur

~ You are the blue !!!!! the second character is mine, alexander

~ little story for this pic :
like a story, you tried to put protection to control alexander's power.
prevent the demon's rating from taking over.
but Alexander find it amusing to make you think you missed!
and scare you, because Alexander is not a normal exorcist.
the latter is seen protection to force a control over, but, he
love to tease and scare, again it is for him not a pleasant time, so
he prefers to amuse himself;

and you are a new exorcist, or , have you got a grade, and you ask to participate. or your partner of he for one time and your rank is high enough to devoire
reset the
protection of the emblem, seal

∩(=・ω・=)∩ // See ya, ans thank y u