Donation "Run"
Winning Bid - $---
Autobuy - $500


Average turnaround: 6W
Place Bid
Bids (1)
Artist Info
Yes, there is a pun in that, don't ask, if you know my goals, then congrats, you got it.

Any gender
Any race

It will be shaded to the best of my abilities. (Basically close to what you see or better)

Have fun!

Little Melody Note -
Well, since you are reading this, hi! I bet this is crazy boring to read or just really weird, I don't know, I feel guilty over everything and always feel like I should explain things that may or may not raise some eyebrows. The auto-buy is my goal amount out of all the auctions I am making. This is called a "Donation run" because you guys are basically donating for art that'd I happily give you, anyway. It's going to a new tablet, yadda yadda. Just putting that out there because I have anxiety and stuff and I don't wanna be seen as a greedy beany- I really feel like I am going to regret putting this note-but it's okay because- I have no clue! Sorry for wasting your time by you reading this, I just felt like explaining. ^^