Click (Animated)

Slot 2
Winning Bid - $---Bitshift
CompletedAverage turnaround: 6D


Bids (1)
Artist Info
Be careful who you're rude to.
NOTE: Will only be "animated" as shown above, no animated characters/objects/text on this one. Commissioners will receive both an animated GIF and the individual frames in higher resolution.
-Auction is for the character in blue.
-SB: $40
-Male only
-Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus or Bat Pony.
-All pieces will be inked and colored. $80 and above gets simple shading and highlights as well.
ETA: 2 weeks
"What is this Crossed Tea?"
The wide-eyed pony in front of him stammered, but didn't manage any coherent words. His hoof jerked to the right again, jabbing toward a clipboard help by a stone-faced assistant.
"What is this Tea?"
"Sir there's nothing wrong with the proposal, I didn't-"
"Oh is that so?" The young stallion jutted his head forward, getting even closer to the already shaking mare in front of him, the expensive fabric of his suit straining with the motion. "Nothing wrong with the proposal? Is that right?" He was within inches of her face now, muzzle twisting in a mocking smile of contempt. "Then where's Star Rock limited right now? Why aren't they down there slobbering all over my hooves as we speak?"
There was an pause. The smile dropped.
"Cause you fucked the deal Tea. You FUCKED it, just like I told you not to." The stallion punctuated this last expletive by grabbing the clipboard from his assistant and hurling it at Tea's feet. The mare gave an impressive upward leap. The stallion was already nearly past her when the shaken mare, clearly not thinking straight, stuttered an "a-am I fired?"
The stallion stopped but didn't turn, giving snorting laugh. "FIRED? You'll be lucky if I don't hire an assassin. Get out. OUT!"
The mare took the hint.
Dismissing his assistant, the suited stallion made his way through the sprawling office space of the firm. He was nearly to his office when he turned a corner and nearly slammed into another pony. He looked up, already reading a string of abuse, only to stop. It was [i]him!
The stallion looking back from across the hall was a near inversion of the angry executive. He was dressed to code, but the fabric was loose and shabby looking. His tie hung a bit askew, and his mane, while clean, was ruffled and unkempt. More than that, he was several inches taller, and certainly a few years older than the young executive staring up at him.
He had seen this tall stallion before. A hire about a year back, some position no one cared about. What he couldn't stand was that he KEPT seeing him. This was a consulting firm, not a carnival for scruffy-looking creeps. How did this loser still have a job?
"YOU! What are you still doing here? What's your problem you little shit? I swear-"
The taller stallion simply stood there with a placid expression as the angry executive tore into him. Just watching.
"What the hell are you looking at? Do you think you're even a fraction-"
The longer with no reply, the angrier the executive got, but the taller stallion just kept watching as the rant continued. And then, slowly, he leaned back slightly, just enough to take the weight off his front hooves. As the angry stallion kept ranting, the taller stallion suddenly brought the sides of his front hooves together in one quick motion.
The angry stallion blinked in confusion, words crumbling in his muzzle. His mouth worked blankly, trying to start again, but as it did the world blurred around him, slowly going dark. Words echoed in his mind, dim and distant, familiar but impossible to understand. There was a sudden rush of vertigo, and everything slipped away.
He blinked as the world faded back in, still dim and heavy. He his office? But his suit was gone. He could see it on the ground there. He looked up to see the tall stallion sitting on his desk. He felt strange, heavy and floaty at the same time. The tall stallion motioned, and as if on a string he walked forward, eyelids heavy, mouth hanging open.
When he reached the desk, the tall stallion gave another motion with his hoof, and the shorter stallion obeyed, sinking down to sit in front of him. The tall stallion parted his legs, and a heavy cock tumbled out, its thick head swinging inches from his nose. He could hear the words now, clear and strong as they vibrated through his mind. They gave a tug and he was helpless to do anything but obey, eyes sinking closed as his mouth opened, tongue reaching out to catch the pre as it dripped from the cock he was about to serve.
NOTE: Will only be "animated" as shown above, no animated characters/objects/text on this one. Commissioners will receive both an animated GIF and the individual frames in higher resolution.
-Auction is for the character in blue.
-SB: $40
-Male only
-Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus or Bat Pony.
-All pieces will be inked and colored. $80 and above gets simple shading and highlights as well.
ETA: 2 weeks
"What is this Crossed Tea?"
The wide-eyed pony in front of him stammered, but didn't manage any coherent words. His hoof jerked to the right again, jabbing toward a clipboard help by a stone-faced assistant.
"What is this Tea?"
"Sir there's nothing wrong with the proposal, I didn't-"
"Oh is that so?" The young stallion jutted his head forward, getting even closer to the already shaking mare in front of him, the expensive fabric of his suit straining with the motion. "Nothing wrong with the proposal? Is that right?" He was within inches of her face now, muzzle twisting in a mocking smile of contempt. "Then where's Star Rock limited right now? Why aren't they down there slobbering all over my hooves as we speak?"
There was an pause. The smile dropped.
"Cause you fucked the deal Tea. You FUCKED it, just like I told you not to." The stallion punctuated this last expletive by grabbing the clipboard from his assistant and hurling it at Tea's feet. The mare gave an impressive upward leap. The stallion was already nearly past her when the shaken mare, clearly not thinking straight, stuttered an "a-am I fired?"
The stallion stopped but didn't turn, giving snorting laugh. "FIRED? You'll be lucky if I don't hire an assassin. Get out. OUT!"
The mare took the hint.
Dismissing his assistant, the suited stallion made his way through the sprawling office space of the firm. He was nearly to his office when he turned a corner and nearly slammed into another pony. He looked up, already reading a string of abuse, only to stop. It was [i]him!
The stallion looking back from across the hall was a near inversion of the angry executive. He was dressed to code, but the fabric was loose and shabby looking. His tie hung a bit askew, and his mane, while clean, was ruffled and unkempt. More than that, he was several inches taller, and certainly a few years older than the young executive staring up at him.
He had seen this tall stallion before. A hire about a year back, some position no one cared about. What he couldn't stand was that he KEPT seeing him. This was a consulting firm, not a carnival for scruffy-looking creeps. How did this loser still have a job?
"YOU! What are you still doing here? What's your problem you little shit? I swear-"
The taller stallion simply stood there with a placid expression as the angry executive tore into him. Just watching.
"What the hell are you looking at? Do you think you're even a fraction-"
The longer with no reply, the angrier the executive got, but the taller stallion just kept watching as the rant continued. And then, slowly, he leaned back slightly, just enough to take the weight off his front hooves. As the angry stallion kept ranting, the taller stallion suddenly brought the sides of his front hooves together in one quick motion.
The angry stallion blinked in confusion, words crumbling in his muzzle. His mouth worked blankly, trying to start again, but as it did the world blurred around him, slowly going dark. Words echoed in his mind, dim and distant, familiar but impossible to understand. There was a sudden rush of vertigo, and everything slipped away.
He blinked as the world faded back in, still dim and heavy. He his office? But his suit was gone. He could see it on the ground there. He looked up to see the tall stallion sitting on his desk. He felt strange, heavy and floaty at the same time. The tall stallion motioned, and as if on a string he walked forward, eyelids heavy, mouth hanging open.
When he reached the desk, the tall stallion gave another motion with his hoof, and the shorter stallion obeyed, sinking down to sit in front of him. The tall stallion parted his legs, and a heavy cock tumbled out, its thick head swinging inches from his nose. He could hear the words now, clear and strong as they vibrated through his mind. They gave a tug and he was helpless to do anything but obey, eyes sinking closed as his mouth opened, tongue reaching out to catch the pre as it dripped from the cock he was about to serve.
Time Left
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