(Ych) Sweet lady
Starting Bid - $10
Autobuy - $100


Average turnaround: 6D
Place Bid
Bids (0)
Artist Info
SB: 10 $
MB: 1 $
AB: 100 $

$10 or more - Sketch without color

$15 or more - Flat color

$20 or more - Color with harsh shadow and highlights

$25 or more - Color with soft shadows and highlights

any race / species
Gender Female

PayPal only. 100% prepayment.
• Payment time: 24 hours after the end of the auction.
• Deadline 1 weeks.
• You cannot: ask for a refund or exchange.
• I reserve the right to use this in my portfolio.

After winning the auction, you immediately throw off the reference of the character to me (only arts).
I can ask you for an additional payment in the form of 1-2 dollars if!
- The character will seem difficult for me

+ file without a watermark

If you haven’t done so, do not win or want to order individually, write me an email! - agleo.nya@gmail.com