SHARKER closed species SHARKER
Auction Price - $25


Average turnaround: N/A
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Artist Info
This stalker can be found on Toyhouse.

All stalker-sharkers will be sold with basic species information attached/included in their documents, regardless of toyhouse status of the buyer.

This is a flat price that the species author has set and will not be lowered, as per rules statement. This stalker can be resold for the standing price - or more if art has been added to the current listing.

Once payment is made, you may do as you wish with them -- but you may never claim credit for the base/species done by MrAis.

-- If you do not have a toyhouse account, you have the option to request one with the adopt - or you may choose to have all of the images sent directly through email.
You MUST credit MrAis no matter where you decide to repost.

DeviantArt Catalog/Masterlist
-- This species origin of creation comes from Russia (VK) -- Buyer will receive English copy unless otherwise specified.