Tamagotchi YCH
Auction Price - $30


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Info: 600*600 px. Paypal, USD only. Deadline from 1 to 4 weeks.
One Tamagotchi design in one hand. The "gluing" animation is enabled.

πŸŽ€ Fixed Price πŸŽ€

Tamagotchi (with "Idle" anim. only) - 30$

πŸŽ€ Animation PRICE πŸŽ€

β™‘ "Feed" Animation - 10$
Rather, feed your pet with your favorite yummy! Choose 1 of 20 types of food in the Food Market for free.

β™‘ "Poop" Animation - 12$
It seems that your baby has done his "business". Clean up after him so he feels good.

β™‘ "Healing" Animation - 18$
Your baby is sick. Rather cure him. Use additional "Water" and "Wet Bandage" items to bring down the fever. The color of the blanket can be changed.

β™‘ "Sleep" Animation - 20$
I see your pet is tired. Put him to bed. The color of the blanket can be changed.

β™‘ "Bathing" Animation - 20$
Your pet got dirty. Wash it with scented "Soap" (standart) or gentle "Sponge" (additional) of your choice.

β™‘ "Greeting" Animation - 10$
A decorative element that adds animation to the tamagotchi greeting and makes it look more like a real retro toy.

β™‘ "Loading" Animation - 15$
A decorative element that adds animation of tamagotchi loading. It fits perfectly with the "Greeting" animation.

β™‘ Full Animation PACK- 100$
Includes all of the above animations. You get Tamagotchi for free.


πŸŽ€ "Extra" PRICE πŸŽ€

β™‘ Add Food - 2$
Adds another food animation.

β™‘ Add "Sponge" - 2$
Replaces the standard "Soap" with a "Sponge" item to the "Bathing" Animation.

β™‘ Add "Water" - 5$
Adds the "Water" item on the pet's head to the "Healing" Animation.

β™‘ Add "Wet Bandage" - 3$
Adds the "Wet Bandage" item on the pet's forehead to the "Healing" Animation.