Trapped | Feral YCH auction
Starting Bid - $60
Autobuy - $90


Average turnaround: 2W
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Artist Info
Digital YCH for a feral character. Payment on Payment on Boosty (PayPal is temporally unavailable but a direct card transfer is possible)
*Any species
*Any gender
It's not a completed background, It will be finished more detailed!

If bid will be less then $ 75 - the character will be with line, above $ 75 - the character without line. Autobuy - 90$

How does it work?

* You send the character reference
* I remake a sketch for you character and send it to you, correct it according to your desire, and you credit me a fee.
* Upon completion of the work, I send you a finished document

Usually, the lead time can reach from several weeks to 2-3 months. If work is needed by a certain date, this should be agreed upon separately and in advance.