PFP Commission Slot
Starting Bid - $1
Autobuy - $15


Average turnaround: N/A
Place Bid
Bids (0)
Artist Info
SB: $1.00
MI: $1.00
AB: $15.00

>Anything lower than $4.00 will be sketched only.
>Bid $4.00 or more- Art will be lined(and colored a single color)
>Bid $7.00 or more- Art will be lined and flatcolored
>Bid $12.00 or more- Art will be lined, flatcolored, and include a simple foreground
>Bid $15.00 or more- Art will be lined, flatcolored, include a simple foreground, and shaded

Art Information
This commission slot is NOT unique, however, commissioner has control of the following aspects(if questions about anything else, please ask!):
-Hair, Clothes, Species*, Pose, Foreground, Background, Base Color of all of the above
-Simple text can also be added at no additional charge.
-Species include any type of fluffy(or furry) furry, and humans and their variants. Please nothing with scales or sharp edges.

I request payment be sent after I send a WIP(with or without minor changes.) I will be explicit about this.

Pictured in Slot:
Lined, Colored, Simple BG and Foreground, Simple Text
Canvas is 2048 x 2048 px.

Note from Artist:(TL;DR below) This is my first auction on this site, so I’m mostly doing this as a test run! I plan for this to be single-slot currently. I am also running on a different site, however details are changed to better inform the commissioner.
If the site does not provide already, I will send PayPal Invoice as payment method.
Also, I’m a very involved artist, so I always plan to communicate constantly with commissioner about their commission! If you have questions or concerns, please don’t feel afraid to reach out

TL;DR: I’m new, this will be a single commission slot, and the auction is not unique. Feel free to ask questions!

Otherwise, happy bidding! I hope to work with you!