Watercolored sketch
Starting Bid - $5
Autobuy - $15


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A picture of your character (or characters) sideways.
2 slots are separate slots, they don’t have to be both on one picture.
Hair, skin and eyes are colored, clothes are minimalistic and black (but you may choose the outer form).
Your character may hold something in their hands. You may also choose different hand(s), head and body position, but keep in mind that it’s still a sideway view :)

Your character may have additional enhancements or features like cat ears, multiple eyes, halos, dragon tails, mechanical arms, fairy wings, whatsoever. Those will be colored too.

Payment via PayPal within 24 hours after the auction ends.
Deadline: 3-4 days.

You are to provide at least one reference of your character’s face sideways or I’ll have to make it up. If you don’t have any but just sketch it up, it will come in very handy.

I’ll send you a high-res PNG or JPG without any watermarks.
For personal use only.