Starting Bid - $45
Autobuy - $75


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a cute little blue baby with a delicate chest.
It's glass ! but still yet so soft and tender.

She is for sale for 45$
What you see is what you get.
I don't mind doing add ons like i normally do~
But I do kinda need some funds at the moment.}

If you request add ons it will be on a seperate image.
containing / a back view [full back view] hoof view, eye close up, maw shot and a chibi !
A chibi can be optional.

That would be an extra 30$ making it 75$
If you're interested in her, please comment or simply note me explaining if you want her or not.
And which you want. Just for what you see! or for the added pieces included.

I can start asap when payment is given / accepted for the continuation of the extra pieces.
Thank you. ^w^