YCH - Selfie Hot 馃敟

Slot 2

Starting Bid - $10
Autobuy - $70


Time Left: Updating...
Average turnaround: 2W
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Artist Info
Patreon members get a discount on everything:

Bid 10 or more = Sketching
Bid 35 or more = Drawing will be flat
Bid 50 or more = Drawing will be shaded
Bid 70 = Drawing will be shaded + also include nude version

鉁〧lexible payment plan of 20 USD/month minium.
鉁㏄ayment is made in advance and is per PayPal.
鉁℡chs do not have a slot limit.
鉁㊣ deliver the initial sketch and the final drawing, if you would like more WIPS please tell me.
鉁℡ou can view my timeline information to see my waiting list and jobs in progress.
鉁㏕he commissions will be published in my social networks, it will be mentioned what they are commissions and will have a watermark (I will not mention names, but if you would like me to name or tag you please tell me)

鉁㎡nly female, all race or species
鉁㏄ose cannot be changed
鉁〤an have any clothing outfit.
鉁㊣t can be any type of cell phone ^^
鉁㏄roportions are editable.