NSFW YCH - One Slot Each!

Bids (2)
Artist Info
Payment will be through CashApp, Zelle, or Kofi. Kofi can process payments through your Paypal if you connect your account to it.
These are only sketches. Upon receiving payment, I will begin to line and color the pieces as well as add any needed additional detail.
Race is limited to PONY ONLY. This includes the following:
Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn or Bat Pony
Gender is limited to whatever you see in the sketch, as is.
Each of these will be their own independent pieces once the auction(s) come to a close. There will be a simple background, no scenery. cel-shading is optional, but will require 15$ on top of the winning bid amount if you want it.
Discord - coldblight
Twitter - @BlightCold
These are only sketches. Upon receiving payment, I will begin to line and color the pieces as well as add any needed additional detail.
Race is limited to PONY ONLY. This includes the following:
Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn or Bat Pony
Gender is limited to whatever you see in the sketch, as is.
Each of these will be their own independent pieces once the auction(s) come to a close. There will be a simple background, no scenery. cel-shading is optional, but will require 15$ on top of the winning bid amount if you want it.
Discord - coldblight
Twitter - @BlightCold
Time Left
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