Metal Drummer Cow
Starting Bid - $50

Nocturnl Draws

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Artist Info
Starting Bid: $50 (USD)
Minimum Increase: $5 (USD)
Payment only via PayPal invoice.

(You can change the character's story)

Breed: Highland cow.
Age: 21(ish)
Story: Drummer of a metal band led by a lion. Her tough appearance is due to the fact that metal music is associated with carnivorous animals, and she needs to pretend a bit to avoid being trampled in this world. In reality, she is very peaceful and friendly, just as is natural for her species.

• $50: Ownership of the character (Personal use only) + Full HD image without watermark.

• $55: Color palette + transparent background version.

• $60: Drummer outfit.

• $80: Back view + Only lineart versions for better readability.

• $100: Full Shaded version of both outfits.

• $150: Commercial Rights + model sheet with 3 expressions.

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